Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Traffic Signals Out Saturday Afternoon on Olympic Blvd in West Los Angeles, From Barrington to Sepulveda

Traffic was bumper to bumper as each intersection on the busy thoroughfare had to be treated as a stop sign.

Traffic signals malfunctioned Saturday around noon in West Los Angeles, From Barrington to Sepulveda on Olympic Blvd, a main East-West thoroughfare. Traffic is of course, at a stand still. We suggest alternate routes such as Pico or Wilshire Blvd, or delay your trip. There is no time frame for resolving the problem.

Elliot Ganezer

Olympic and Veteran Avenue, 1/4/25.

"Traffic signals were reported out on Olympic Blvd in West Los Angeles, affecting the area from Barrington to Sepulveda. Drivers should exercise caution and be prepared for potential delays." said the California State Portal.

Traffic was bumper to bumper as each intersection on the busy thoroughfare had to be treated as a stop sign. The intersections affected include Olympic and Barrington, Overland, Veteran Ave and Westwood Blvd.

The traffic signals on Olympic Boulevard in West LA are part of the Olympic West Pico East Initiative, which aims to provide congestion relief along that route. Specific timelines for repairs or improvements may not be publicly available, so it's best to check with the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering for updates.


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