Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Don't be fooled by SMRR: The Safer Santa Monica slate is the only Change Slate

I suppose it's good news that SMRR establishment candidates are trying to run away from their organization's 40 year record.

There seems to be a laughable attempt by SMRR to intentionally muddy the waters this election.

In a case of moral confusion and cynicism, SMMR is trying to position themselves as the "change slate," because after 40 years of their establishment politics, affecting everything from overdevelopment to the destruction of the downtown, they are saying the Change Slate elected 4 years ago needs to be... um... changed by them! You see, anti-police SMRR, which appointed our city manager and almost the entire staff over decades of their clammy stranglehold on SM politics, now claim they're not the establishment. No, no, no! It's the whisker thin majority swept in after the absolute failure of the 2020 riots who haven't yet been able to undo the 40 years misrule by SMRR. That's laughable, and insults resident's intelligence.

I suppose it's good news that SMRR establishment candidates are trying to run away from their organization's 40 year record. But no matter what they call themselves, the SMRR candidates are endorsing George Gascon, whose policies are behind the revolving door of felons attacking residents. They are against Prop 36 which would obviously make the state safer by allowing police to actually arrest repeat offenders instead of give them a citation. And SMRR is endorsed by the Santa Monica Democratic Club, a front for radical police-hating policies that doesn't even mention safety in their platform! SMRR is living in an unreality as delusional as the dangerous transient addicts making Santa Monica unsafe, and making my local park unusable. SMRR is IGNORING RESIDENTS that have been shouting for 6 years that they are tired of the disorder, rapes, murders, and threats when they try to walk their dogs. SMRR doesn't understand residents want more cops, safer streets, drug-free parks-you know, the lifestyle of most normal cities in this great country. Time to vote them out.

Over and over, in different zombie conversations, SMRR council-members have said some version of the same thing: Santa Monica has always had a homeless problem, saying there's nothing to be done except build more and more housing (which takes years and won't solve the crisis on our streets). I don't accept that there's nothing to be done. Instead, how about doing what other Blue Cities have done?:

Maybe take a cue from NYC, which is forcibly removing the mentally ill from Subways.

Or from Vancouver, which recriminalized public drug use.

And most recently, British Columbia itself, from which Barbara Ferrer and SMRR get all sorts of bad ideas. Now, even BC will now force severely addicted and and mentally ill people into involuntary care. Common sense is dawning on our socialist friends up North!

Yes, even BC has realized that letting people kill themselves on their streets and parks is bad for them, and bad for their residents. You see, after running all the social experiments that SMRR fastidiously copied, BC has finally realized it's not compassionate for the most sick among them to live outside in abject misery and then die, all while destroying their city.

You see, Gleam, Jessie, Caroline, and your SMRR candidates Raskin, Snell, Hall and Zernitskaya, there are far worse things than 3 hots and a cot plus treatment. Even your socialist heroes up north have figured this out. Will SMRR get a clue, too? No, they won't. Their ideological goggles are too thick to see reality.

The chaos and criminality on the streets is our #1 priority. Everything else, including tourism, tax dollars, thriving businesses, and the overall restoration our brand as one of the top 10 beach cities in the WORLD depends on changing Santa Monica's terrible reality and reputation.

If you want change, support Safer Santa Monica: Putnam, Brock, Roknian, and De la Torre. Time to finish the job.


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