Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

John Alle Clears the Record on the Attack Against Him in Palisades Park

Never has any Police Officer told or warned me against "filming", including Ericka (SMPD PIO)

September 22, 2023 - John Alle, the Santa Monica activist, business owner, and founding member of the Santa Monica Coalition who was attacked by a drugged homeless individual on Tuesday, wrote us to clear up some misconceptions that have been circulating in other news outlets. Below is his statement:

1) The attack occurred DURING THE DAY between 2:30 and 3 pm.

2) I was not filming the suspect or anyone in particular. I was taking a break from work and decided to walk the bluffs (at Palisades Park). I was shocked to see the number of addicts laying asleep and sitting on the ground (ingesting) and selling (dealing) drugs in the open. I walked the pathway with my phone waist high to film the panorama.

3) Never has any Police Officer told or warned me against "filming", including Ericka.

4) There is as much or more illegal activity during the day in Reed, Palisades, Tongva and Douglas Parks than at night. Our City Maintenance Workers, especially Ambassadors who are untrained and inexperienced, are getting attacked, and this is unreported by DTSM's Block-by-Block Ambassador program...some stabbed, during the day. According to recent City studies, the percentage of residents who feel unsafe and unhappy with what they see Downtown and in our Parks and REFUSE to frequent our Downtown and Parks, is currently at 86%...unchanged from 2 years ago.

5) Yes, there are state laws (recently passed propositions, state bills, no bail laws) that make it challenging to deal with the crime and human depravity on our Promenade, in our parks and public spaces. But drinking, using and dealing drugs are in our public spaces are illegal, whether one is housed or unhoused. But currently, our City leaders are not enforcing or applying the law to those who do not wish to follow the rules and regulations. There is no accountability or consequences for those who do not abide by the law. We are in a downward spiral. The City Council, Mayor, City Manager an City Attorney are too concerned about offending those who commit crimes. The homeless addict who attacked me has opted for drugs in lieu of housing.

6) Our City Council's unwillingness to fund more sworn Police Officers visible and patrolling our Promenade, Downtown, parks and common areas is a root cause in the increase in crime. Placing cameras in parks and public spaces in our Downtown is not as effective as having sworn (and armed) officers walking and patrolling these areas throughout the day and night. We have photos and video clips showing addicts asleep and actually using and dealing drugs directly under the tall movable blue strobe light cameras placed in Palisade, Reed and Tongva Parks.

7) The open-air, free distribution of needles by the County and the Venice Family Clinic is a contributing factor to the growing lawlessness and day and night take-over of our parks. The program using public funds is in violation of state law. The Governor vetoed a proposed bill which would use public funds for any such program, and in the open-air. Our City Manager and two Deputy Mayors and then, and now-Mayor Gleam Davis knew facts and concealed their discussions and agreement with this project, which started on the 3rd Street Promenade, 7-Eleven property on Wilshire (without the owner's consent, and on the California Incline, as far back as 2018. Do you think that may have added somewhat to the growing number of homeless addicts and decline on the Promenade, Downtown, and 7-Eleven? Yes the City Council presented a letter to the entire County Board of Supervisors last September 2022. But the program has grown and our Council has remained eerily silent since then despite over 15,000 letters having been sent in opposition to the program. And yes, our City tax revenues are partially funding the program. Santa Monica is keeping just $ .11 out of every dollar paid to the County ($500 million) every year. Our Councilmembers do not have a clue about this.

8) And, our shelters in the City are NOT open to walk-ins daily from 4 pm to 8 or 9 am, contrary to what the City tell us. Identification is a requirement and 75% of homeless are robbed of their ID and other resources at night as they sleep or under the influence of Meth or Fentanyl. Our team has lots of video testimony from many homeless to substantiate this.

I will be making a formal statement next week when I have better recovered. Today my concussion subsided, but I have 2 large breaks in my jaw and cracked teeth and inner mouth wounds my oral surgeon has identified. My left temple is still bruised from the assailant's kicking my head after I was down and knocked unconscious. I have an appointment with my ophthalmologist to discuss my blurred vision since the attack.


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