Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

School District Headquarters Moves Closer to Santa Monica High School

Long Planned Move will be executed this week and will "bring several departments together under one roof."

The Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District is moving its headquarters to a new location. And it's SamoHi adjacent.

The building at 1717 4th Street currently houses offices for the City of Santa Monica. It was constructed on School District property in 2003.

The move will take effect on Feb. 21, 2023, announced School Superintendent Mark Kelley in a press release. The move from the current location of 1651 16th St. Santa Monica will take place the week of February 13, 2023 with some services limited during the move.

All phone numbers and email addresses will remain the same and staff may be contacted during normal business hours during the week of transition. If you have District business that requires an in-person visit, please get in touch with your contact to determine the meeting location.

"The move into this building adjacent to the Samohi campus on District property brings several departments together under one roof, providing for better collaboration and work flow. We are excited to be adjacent to our largest campus, Samohi, for easily accessible campus and staff visits," wrote Kelly

"I appreciate our staff's enthusiasm and support during this transition and thank your stakeholders in advance for your cooperation, patience and understanding while our staff transitions and gets settled in our new spaces."


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