"as we confront global warming, increased density, sea level rise, and finding new energy sources....."
On February 9, 2023, Santa Monica City Council Member Phil Brock was appointed to the SCAG (Southern California Council of Governments) Energy and Environment Committee. The Committee is chaired by Deborah Robertson, City of Rialto, and the Vice Chair is Luis Plancarte, County of Imperial.
Brock's background as a Santa Monica City Council Member for over 2 years, as a member and chair of the Santa Monica Recreation & Parks Commission for 13 years, as longtime member of the California Parks Board, and writing editorials about energy and environment for the SMart Group makes him a well-informed choice for this appointment. He has gained insight into working successfully with governments on open space and environmental issues and is adept at the sometimes-arduous process of enhancing the quality of life of our residents.
"The Westside Cities Council of Governments (WSCCOG) is pleased to announce that Santa Monica City Council Member Phil Brock will be representing us on the SCAG Energy and Environment Committee, said Julian Gold, Beverly Hills City Council Member and Chair of WSCCOG. "We appreciate his service, and we know he will represent us well in our quest for a greener, healthier and cleaner Southern California."
"Our entire region faces seemingly insurmountable problems as we confront global warming, increased density, sea level rise, and finding new energy sources. We must face these challenges head-on and think outside the box to make Southern California and Santa Monica sustainable for future generations. I look forward to working with my colleagues to find workable solutions for a better Southern California," said Brock.
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