Most people would have been reluctant to take over the reins of CIW during a Covid surge
At first, I admit I was skeptical of Warden Houston. I even thought she was anti women, at first. However, over time I was won over by her leadership and her ability to steer CIW through several Covid-19 outbreaks.
As a woman, and a woman color, Warden Houston took the reins of CIW in the middle of a Covid surge. Most people would be reluctant to take such a risky career move. San Quentin Men's Prison went through a now infamous Covid disaster after one decision to transfer inmates caused a devastating prison super spread. As the Captain of any ship you get all the blame when something goes wrong. However, Ms. Houston successfully lead CIW and has left us women on a positive note.
I am a bit sad to see her go. Wardens seem to change frequently. However, she earned her promotion. The cherry on top is that she was given this promotion during women's history month. I never got to meet her during her time here. However, I feel like her positive impact lives on as we now get to know our new Warden and her leadership style. Our new warden has been promoted from within. She was our associate warden for the past several years. So, we are in good hands.
Congratulations and good luck to you Warden Houston in your new role! On behalf of myself and the other female prisoners here at CIW, Godspeed!
Recommended Reading:
" A Divine Revelation Of Hell "
By Mary K. Baxter
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