"Suspects stopped the train and has multiple vans lined up to take items from the train...."
Update: A spokesman for the MTA denies that this incident ever took place. However, it was described on the LAPD scanner, sources say.
Well, it's not the first ever. But it is the first in a really long time. In a scene out of an old western movie, thieves in downtown Los Angeles have blocked a train from moving, and robbed the passengers. This was reported in a tweet from @downtownlascan.
"Possible robbery of a train in progress. Suspects stopped the train and has multiple vans lined up to take items from the train. LAPD responding code 3." When the LAPD arrived, the bad guys had left.
Los Angeles is said to be in the midst of a crime wave. Compared to 2019, homicides in Los Angeles through the end of October 2021 were up 75 percent. Aggravated assaults involving a firearm are up 73 percent. Motor vehicle thefts are up 57 percent. Unlawful shootings are up 73 percent.
The first movie ever filmed was The Great Train Robbery, filmed by the Thomas Edison film company in 1903.
Reader Comments(5)
Pat writes:
The police scanner tweet gives the intersection of Washington and Perrino. The latter crosses a freight corridor just half a block away. It's also over a mile from the nearest Metro line. It's quite possible that your sources may not have been reliable. Rumors on Twitter seldom are.
01/12/2022, 7:04 pm
ElectricAvenue writes:
I shared this story with a Metro employee, who informed me the incident involved a freight train, not Metro. You do realize there are active freight lines in Downtown LA. They're not all Metro. The Observer has a problem with checking their facts for accuracy. Your first clue should be the fact the robbers had vans. Secondly, your only source on this is a tweet.
01/10/2022, 10:47 pm
NativeNYGirl writes:
We have the right to defend ourselves! Enough is enough!!! The first amendment! I lived in Kennesaw,GA. The law states that every home must have a gun! Crime went way the Eff down !!! Case closed! We the People have had enough! These Thugs need to be stopped !
01/10/2022, 10:11 pm
Jaime writes:
What is wrong with these criminals? This isn’t the Wild Wild West. Everyone is entitled to move about freely without fear of being robbed. Maybe we should all arm ourselves and protect ourselves when necessary. Part of the problem with prosecution is that you have to identify and catch them first.
01/10/2022, 6:12 pm
Bird writes:
We need start using death pendle tough jail flordia texas has chain gain work they dont baby them you do time its hard time
01/10/2022, 12:03 am