Nearly $18.5 million in rental assistance paid to local tenants and landlords
The city of Santa Monica has extended its remaining local emergency orders to January 31, 2022, including tenant protections against eviction.
The 41st Emergency Supplement, signed October 29, protects the tenants against eviction for reasons other than nonpayment of rent and renews the landlord's eviction reporting requirement.
Specifically, the order adopts provisions of the Los Angeles County's Covid-19 Tenant Protections Resolution, including residential eviction protections (such as no-fault termination of leases, owner move-ins, nuisance, and unauthorized occupants or pets). The supplement also revises the email ( to which landlords should send any eviction notices.
While the residential eviction moratorium for nonpayment has ended, the statewide rental assistance program is ongoing, and residential tenants may still be protected from eviction if they apply for state rent relief, city officials said.
So far, nearly $18.5 million has been paid to Santa Monica landlords and tenants, with an average assistance of $16,207 per household, city officials said. Applications for rent and utility assistance are still being accepted at
Later expiration dates stated in specific supplements remain unchanged as do the emergency orders that have not previously expired. These include suspension of water shutoffs for nonpayment; adoption for enforcement of county public health orders; time limits on loud construction activities; reporting requirements on eviction notices and extensions of deadlines for planning and permit-related activities, officials said.
"As we enter the holiday season and we once again gather safely with friends and loved ones, remember that COVID-19 remains a serious threat and there are measures we can take to prevent its spread," said City Manager David White. "Get the COVID-19 vaccine or booster if you are eligible and remember to schedule a flu shot...Thank you to the nearly 87 percent of our community who has received the COVID-19 vaccine."
Anyone can get a digital COVID-19 vaccine record at To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, visit
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