Local Santa Monica Election Results: Measure TL, SMS, SM all approved.
Greg Morena will join incumbents Sue Himmelrich and Kevin McKeown on the Santa Monica City Council. Morena, a restaurant owner, won election to be the newcomer on the Council.
Pam O'Conner, who has been on the City Council since the Reagan administration, was somehow turned out by voters. She has voted for every large development project ever proposed in Santa Monica, and voters evidently finally understood that.
Lori Brown lost her bid to be the only landlord on the Santa Monica Rent Control Board.
Measure TL, Term Limits, were enacted. So Kevin McKeown has only 8 more years on the City Council. What will he do then?
Measure SM, which restricts development by requiring 5 City Councilmembers to agree to variances (not just 4), was approved.
Measure RR, to allow anyone regardless of immigration status to serve on Santa Monica boards and commissions, won.
Ben Allen won 75% of the vote to return to the California State Senate. Richard Bloom won his unopposed race back to the State Assembly
Results of local elections are below
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Sue Himmelrich (N) 15,474 23.85%
Greg Morena (N) 12,917 19.91%
Kevin McKeown (N) 12,559 19.36%
Pam O'Connor (N) 7,385 11.38%
Ashley Powell (N) 6,534 10.07%
Scott Bellomo (N) 5,596 8.63%
Geoffrey Neri (N) 4,412 6.80%
54 of 54 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Vote for no more than three
Santa Monica City General Municipal Election Member of the Rent Control Board
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Naomi Sultan (N) 14,178 26.50%
Nicole Phillis (N) 13,884 25.95%
Steve Duron (N) 12,029 22.48%
Lori Brown (N) 9,695 18.12%
Jon Mann (N) 3,723 6.96%
54 of 54 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Vote for no more than three
Santa Monica City Special Municipal Election - Measure RR
MEASURE RR: Shall the City Charter be amended to change the eligibility requirement for service on the City's Library Board, Personnel Board, and Airport Commission from that of "qualified elector" of the City to "resident" of the City and to ensure compliance with applicable laws related to compensation and reimbursement?
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 19,023 77.59%
No 5,493 22.41%
54 of 54 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
Santa Monica City Special Municipal Election - Measure SM
MEASURE SM: Shall City Charter Section 615 be amended to require, for a period of ten years, the votes of five Council members to amend (a) the Land Use and Circulation Element or (b) Downtown Community Plan, where that amendment would increase the maximum height limit or floor area ratio in any land use designation, with exceptions for 100% Affordable Housing Projects and property owned by Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District?
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 17,387 71.04%
No 7,088 28.96%
54 of 54 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
Santa Monica City Special Municipal Election - Measure TL
MEASURE TL: Shall the Santa Monica City Charter be amended to prohibit any person from serving as a member of the City Council for more than three terms, whether consecutive or not, where a term includes any full term of four years as well as any partial term of more than two years?
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 18,999 73.60%
No 6,816 26.40%
State Measures
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State Measure 1
AUTHORIZES BONDS TO FUND SPECIFIED HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. LEGISLATIVE STATUTE. Authorizes $4 billion in general obligation bonds for existing affordable housing programs for low-income residents, veterans, farmworkers, manufactured and mobile homes, infill, and transit-oriented housing. Fiscal Impact: Increased state costs to repay bonds averaging about $170 million annually over the next 35 years.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 1,136,225 62.34%
No 686,428 37.66%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 2
AUTHORIZES BONDS TO FUND EXISTING HOUSING PROGRAM FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS. LEGISLATIVE STATUTE. Amends Mental Health Services Act to fund No Place Like Home Program, which finances housing for individuals with mental illness. Ratifies existing law establishing the No Place Like Home Program. Fiscal Impact: Allows the state to use up to $140 million per year of county mental health funds to repay up to $2 billion in bonds. These bonds would fund housing for those with mental illness who are homeless.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 1,245,212 67.65%
No 595,542 32.35%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 3
AUTHORIZES BONDS TO FUND PROJECTS FOR WATER SUPPLY AND QUALITY, WATERSHED, FISH, WILDLIFE, WATER CONVEYANCE, AND GROUNDWATER SUSTAINABILITY AND STORAGE. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Authorizes $8.877 billion in state general obligation bonds for various infrastructure projects. Fiscal Impact: Increased state costs to repay bonds averaging $430 million per year over 40 years. Local government savings for water-related projects, likely averaging a couple hundred million dollars annually over the next few decades.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 895,439 48.83%
No 938,411 51.17%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 4
AUTHORIZES BONDS FUNDING CONSTRUCTION AT HOSPITALS PROVIDING CHILDREN'S HEALTH CARE. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Authorizes $1.5 billion in bonds, to be repaid from state's General Fund, to fund grants for construction, expansion, renovation, and equipping of qualifying children's hospitals. Fiscal Impact: Increased state costs to repay bonds averaging about $80 million annually over the next 35 years.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 1,263,046 67.84%
No 598,742 32.16%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 5
CHANGES REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNERS TO TRANSFER THEIR PROPERTY TAX BASE TO REPLACEMENT PROPERTY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. Removes certain transfer requirements for homeowners over 55, severely disabled homeowners, and contaminated or disaster-destroyed property. Fiscal Impact: Schools and local governments each would lose over $100 million in annual property taxes early on, growing to about $1 billion per year. Similar increase in state costs to backfill school property tax losses.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 720,152 39.02%
No 1,125,398 60.98%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 6
ELIMINATES CERTAIN ROAD REPAIR AND TRANSPORTATION FUNDING. REQUIRES CERTAIN FUEL TAXES AND VEHICLE FEES BE APPROVED BY THE ELECTORATE. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Repeals a 2017 transportation law's taxes and fees designated for road repairs and public transportation. Fiscal Impact: Reduced ongoing revenues of $5.1 billion from state fuel and vehicle taxes that mainly would have paid for highway and road maintenance and repairs, as well as transit programs.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 754,729 39.95%
No 1,134,367 60.05%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 7
CONFORMS CALIFORNIA DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME TO FEDERAL LAW. ALLOWS LEGISLATURE TO CHANGE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME PERIOD. LEGISLATIVE STATUTE. Gives Legislature ability to change daylight saving time period by two-thirds vote, if changes are consistent with federal law. Fiscal Impact: This measure has no direct fiscal effect because changes to daylight saving time would depend on future actions by the Legislature and potentially the federal government.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 1,082,094 59.73%
No 729,560 40.27%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 8
REGULATES AMOUNTS OUTPATIENT KIDNEY DIALYSIS CLINICS CHARGE FOR DIALYSIS TREATMENT. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires rebates and penalties if charges exceed limit. Requires annual reporting to the state. Prohibits clinics from refusing to treat patients based on payment source. Fiscal Impact: Overall annual effect on state and local governments ranging from net positive impact in the low tens of millions of dollars to net negative impact in the tens of millions of dollars.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 746,904 40.19%
No 1,111,493 59.81%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 10
EXPANDS LOCAL GOVERNMENTS' AUTHORITY TO ENACT RENT CONTROL ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Repeals state law that currently restricts the scope of rent-control policies that cities and other local jurisdictions may impose on residential property. Fiscal Impact: Potential net reduction in state and local revenues of tens of millions of dollars per year in the long term. Depending on actions by local communities, revenue losses could be less or considerably more.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 893,769 47.16%
No 1,001,443 52.84%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 11
REQUIRES PRIVATE-SECTOR EMERGENCY AMBULANCE EMPLOYEES TO REMAIN ON-CALL DURING WORK BREAKS. ELIMINATES CERTAIN EMPLOYER LIABILITY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Law entitling hourly employees to breaks without being on-call would not apply to private-sector ambulance employees. Fiscal Impact: Likely fiscal benefit to local governments (in the form of lower costs and higher revenues), potentially in the tens of millions of dollars each year.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 1,121,758 60.24%
No 740,475 39.76%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
State Measure 12
ESTABLISHES NEW STANDARDS FOR CONFINEMENT OF SPECIFIED FARM ANIMALS; BANS SALE OF NONCOMPLYING PRODUCTS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Establishes minimum requirements for confining certain farm animals. Prohibits sales of meat and egg products from animals confined in noncomplying manner. Fiscal Impact: Potential decrease in state income tax revenues from farm businesses, likely not more than several million dollars annually. State costs up to $10 million annually to enforce the measure.
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 1,302,121 69.89%
No 561,058 30.11%
4,728 of 4,728 precincts reporting (100.00%) | Majority of votes cast
County Measure
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Los Angeles County Flood Control District - Measure W
Los Angeles Region's Public Health and Safe, Clean Water Program. Shall an ordinance improving/protecting water quality; capturing rain/stormwater to increase safe drinking water supplies and prepare for future drought; protecting public health and marine life by reducing pollution, trash, toxins/plastics entering Los Angeles County waterways/bays/beaches; establishing a parcel tax of 2.5¢ per square foot of impermeable area, exempting low-income seniors, raising approximately $300,000,000 annually until ended by voters, requiring independent audits, oversight and local control be adopted?
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
Yes 1,139,639 67.48%
No 549,211 32.52%
4,551 of 4,551 precincts reporting (100.00%) | 2/3 of votes cast
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