For almost ten years, the murder, in Venice Beach, of Nathan Alan Morgan, has remained unsolved
In 2008, a 25 year old man was murdered on Venice Beach and partially buried in the sand. Earlier that evening, he had been approached by my friend, who also leads a drum circle in Southern CA. He was on the boardwalk, playing guitar, and she invited him to join her circle. She gave him a card, which was later found in Nathan's pocket. His father, Richard, contacted her to find out if she knew anything about what had happened to Nathan. She told me about it, and because I build websites, I contacted Nathan's family and offered to build a tribute site for them. That address is:
There was an undeveloped disposable camera in Nathan's hotel room, which either the police or the family had developed. The pictures had been taken in Venice Beach. They showed Nathan with other young people, who could well be the ones he was with on the beach that night. There are two blond/yellow haired individuals in the pictures.
One of them is most likely, Raven. She witnessed the killing, and posted on the LA Times blog, that she hadn't thought it would go so far. I used the pictures on the website and a detective asked for them to be removed in order to not interfere with their investigation. However, after 5 years of nothing, the family and I agreed to repost them. They are there on the website. nathan-alan-morgan/ PicsFromNathansCamera.html
Nathan had three sisters, Christina, Jessica, and a twin, Nichole. He also had a half sister, Jessica, and many relatives, who continue to mourn his untimely death, and long for justice.
I live in the Los Angeles area; the Morgans live in Ohio. Although, we have remained in touch through the years, we had never met in person. They were in Fountain HIlls, AZ the weekend of Jan. 12 - 15 for the Thunderbird Artists Show as vendors. I
flew to Phoenix and drove to Fountain Hills to meet with them. The following are facts concerning the case:
10/21/82 to 03-10-08 date of birth and death of Nathan Alan Morgan. Nick name "Nate". Date of homicide: March 10, 2008 after midnight of the 9th.
Location of homicide: Venice Beach, CA near location of Venice Beach weekly drum circle
An article from the Los Angeles Times Newspaper, March 10, 2008
Venice: A 25-year-old white homeless man was discovered partially buried in the sand near Ocean Front Walk and Breeze Avenue by L.A. City Park and Recreation employees at about 7 p.m. Sunday, March 9. According to police, the man was beaten to death, then dragged to the burial site.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call Pacific Area Homicide (310) 782-6316
It has been determined that Nathan was with three males and two females, late teens, early 20s. One girl was named Raven, she had yellow hair. This was confirmed by an anonymous blog post. She posted on a Los Angeles Times Blog that Nathan was
disrespectful to one of the girls, and her boyfriend attacked Nathan. It escalated and the other young men joined in. She stated she had no idea it would go so far. (All the comments on the blog have been archived. I did read her post when it was
still live. )
Nathan had one arm in a cast due to an earlier accident. He had just returned from the hospital. The three, or more, beat him, and either before, or after his death, they stuffed his nose and mouth with sand.
Investigated by Detective Luis Carranza, LAPD Pacific Area, Homicide Unit. email: phone # (310) 482-6373
If anyone has any knowledge regarding this cold case, please contact Richard Morgan at, or or Detective Carranza
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