Seeking to Weaponize Social Media, Dastardly DPRK Resorts to More Personal Attacks on the Trump Administration
In what must be described as the worst attack in Cyber Space since the North Korean Army hacked Sony Pictures, the DPRK News Agency has released a photo of White House Spokesman Sean Spicer, wearing a rabbit suit. The smiling spicer's photo is accompanied by the following tweet: DPRK News Service @DPRK_News Apr 13
Sean Spicer berated by US press for ignorance of German holocaust. Japanese holocaust against millions of Asians sees no coverage, as usual.
The reference of course is to Spicer's gaffe last week, in which he said that "even Adolf Hitler did not use gas as a weapon during World War II," forgetting for the moment that Zyklon B gas was used to kill millions at Auschwitcz and other Nazi death camps.
Tension between the US and North Korea is so high that the Chinese government has urged both sides to move back from the brink of war or armed conflict. China urged an end to "mutual provocation," cautioning that tensions between the U.S., South Korea and North Korea could run out of control.
North Korea also threatened to attack major American military bases in South Korea, warning that it could annihilate them "within minutes."
The US dropped a 21,000 pound "Mother of All Bombs" (MOAB) in Afghanistan and launched 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, while entertaining Chinese President Xi JinPing. Analysts say that these 2 actions during the last week, were intended in part to deter the North Koreans from another nuclear test on the 115th birthday of Kim Il Sung, the founder of the DPRK, tomorrow.
But we should get back to these strange tweets, which will have at least us laughing all the way to armageddon.
"Reckless bubblehead Donald Trump drops 21,000 pound bomb on Afghans, in cheap attempt to awe US foes. DPRK possesses 21 1,000 pound bombs."
DPRK News Service @DPRK_News Apr 12 Cruel statue depicting foolish girl moments before annihilation by horns of wild bull is subject of controversy in US capital of New York.
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