Sibling Rivalry? Fairness alone means that the two half sisters should be treated the same
The big item on the national news wire tonight is that Ivanka Trump is getting an office in the West Wing of the White House. Well, Ok, the big item was James Comey was testifying to Congress, something about James Clapper's trip to Russia and a brokerage fee paid on a 19% interest in Rosneft.
But the big news that even though she will not accept a salary, Tiffany Trump, long her Father's advisor in business, will get an office on the second floor of the West Wing next to National Security Advisor Diana Bigley.
Shouldn't Tiffany Trump also get an office in the West Wing? It's time for papa to come through for Marla Maples only daughter, Tiffany, too. Here's why:
1. Donald Trump has just 2 daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany. What he does for one daughter, he has to do for the other, or risk sewing jealousy and dissension on the family. Any family; not just the Trumps'.
2. Tiffany is going away to Harvard Law School in September, where she will no doubt meet her soul mate. This is Papa Trump's last chance to give her a room in the family home. Maybe she could leave her stuff there, and come home to it from college. Which would make her more likely to come home.
3. Speaking of Harvard Law School, Tiffany could advise her dad on law stuff. Which would be fair, since he's paying her tuition. And books. I'm pretty sure he is anyway, it's not like she would qualify for financial aid. Even though her dad does live in public housing.
4. Ivanka is like 36, has her own business and her own family. Tiffany has only her girl next door looks, sincerity, and her mom's ice skates. Plus, at 24, she's a millennial. Her presence might help her dad's popularity with millennials.
5. Tiffany is hotter than a firecracker on the 4th of July. At the same time, she is also totally cool. Who wouldn't want her around? She could stop an Congressional hearing with one good stare.
6. Even Marsha Brady, with whom Tiff is often compared, eventually got her own damn room.
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