Who is that strange man holding Kim Jong Eun's hand while jumping on his back?
Kim's older brother was passed over for the throne because "he was too effeminate," meaning he was gay in Western terms. Yet, strangely homo-erotic photos of Kim Jong Eun have emerge from North Korea.
We are told that a General is jumping for joy after a successful test of a new rocket engine. Yet, why risk offending the Young Leader, by holding his hand and pulling such a maneuver? Who is that strange man holding Kim Jong Eun's hand while jumping on his back?
Is there any connection between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the Trump campaign? Only time will tell. But the image raises other troubling questions:
Why would you jump on a guy who has killed his own uncle and brother, and shot generals with anti aircraft fire for appearing to fall asleep while The Marshall was delivering a speech?
As we speak, the DPRK comes ever closer to launching Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, and that is no laughing matter. Kim hailed the March 14 test as “a great event of historic significance” for the country’s development of intercontinental missiles.
It comes after North Korea has conducted five nuclear tests and a series of missile launches, in defiance of U.N. sanctions.
And it is believed by experts and government officials to be working to develop nuclear-warhead missiles that could reach the United States.
This is clearly no time for kinky sexual behavior with older men, KJE. And it's no time to spray more estranged relatives in Malaysian airports. No, it's time to really buckle down, and redouble your efforts to get the economy in order before Beijing finally gets tired of you. JMHO.
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