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Report: Struck by SAM Missile, UFO Crash Lands in Saudi Arabia. Alien Reportedly Captured

Houthi Rebels in Yemen Fire Surface to Air Missile at Target, Get More than they Bargained For

Houthi rebels fighting the Western backed government in Aden, have reportedly taken down something definitely not Islamic in nature. This from the local press:

On Wednesday 19th of October after evening prayers, a large noise was heard in the sky followed by the sighting of an intense, large light heading from the west above a region east of the capital of Riyadh. Residents said the UFO did not look like a meteor. It was a blue green color, and was shooting out green flashes. One witness, a 40 year old man who called himself "Khalid," was baffled. 'No one has ever seen anything like it'.

The UFO changed course several times, finally heading south toward the Yemeni desert. Ultimately, a rebel pointed a 9K32 Strela-2 missle at it, a low altitude surface to air missile system with a high explosive warhead, and passive infrared homing guidance. The UFO either couldn't or didn't resist the weapon, and was taken down with just one shot, say Houthi sources.

Unlike most UFO crash sites, the exact location of this site was immediately revealed. The aerial photograph accompanying this story was taken from a Saudi helicopter and the location is embedded. The location of the crash is in the dessert about 220 miles North and slightly east of Al Mukalla, in disputed territory. It is unclear whether the alien depicted in the photo was killed, captured, or teleported away.

The incident went unreported in the West, but was seen as far away as Kuwait. Locals in the region where the object appeared to be heading claim they heard an explosion and felt a large tremor indicating that the object crashed.

The Saudi government has not released information regarding the crash site but is reported to have sealed the area, which borders Yemen. Yemen is fighting a 2 year old insurgency by Houthi rebels, who have also fired missiles on US ships. Rebel sources say one of their men fired a shoulder type 9K-32 Strelka and brought down the UFO.

UFOs have played an important part in religions of the Middle East. The Kaaba stone in Mecca is believed to have heavenly origins. It is said to "have fallen from the sky." The Great Pyramid of Cheops, the oldest of the Pyramids, is believed to have been patterned after a Pyramidal stone that fell from the sky into the Egyptian desert, 3300 years ago.

The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing conflict that began in 2015 between two factions claiming to constitute the Yemeni government, along with their supporters and allies. Houthi forces controlling the capital Sana'a and allied with forces loyal to the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh have clashed with forces loyal to the government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, based in Aden. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have also carried out attacks, with AQAP controlling swaths of territory in the hinterlands, and along stretches of the coast.

In May of 2015, Houthi Rebels fired a missile at a US navy destroyer, missing the target but involving the US in the Yemeni Civil War. It can fairly be said that last week's incident raises the conflict to an intergalactic level.

Concurrently, a coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched military operations by using airstrikes to restore the former Yemeni government and the United States provided intelligence and logistical support for the campaign. According to the UN, from March 2015 to August 2016, over 10,000 people have been killed in Yemen, including 3,799 civilians.


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