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Donald Sniffles His Way Through Fiery Presidential Debate with Hillary Clinton

She accused Trump of profiting off the housing collapse, then bragging about it. "It's called business, Hillary," he responded.

Republican nominee Donald Trump seemed to be sniffling Monday night. This is ironic, as Trump asserted Hillary Clinton lacks the stamina to be President.

Chuck Todd, political director of Meet the Press, said "We've just watched a very surreal debate. Mrs. Clinton was obviously very well prepared. Mr. Trump spoke with a lot of passion, but ceased answering questions directly after the first half hour. How will the American public react to it? I can't say, but it's unlike anything any of us have ever witnessed before."

Both of the candidates made claims that were not true. Hillary Clinton said she did not refer to the Trans Pacific Partnership trade pact as the "Gold Standard" of free trade agreements; she did.

Hillary Clinton was on the attack, making Trump discuss his failure to release his taxes, his business bankruptcies, and even his failure to pay a certain sub contractor at a construction site. She accused Trump of profiting off the housing collapse, then bragging about it. "It's called business, Hillary," he responded.

Clinton said Trump has experience, but not the right kind of experience, said Megyn Kelly on Fox News.

On Fox News, Brett Baer said Trump won, in a way, simply by appearing on the stage alongside the Democratic nominee. "It legitimized him." And Clinton won in a way, by avoiding any major gaffe. Because she is, after all, the front runner in major polls even to this day.

Trump said to ask Sean Hannity, he was against the war. Lester Holt reminded Trump that in 2002, he wasn't against the war.

Trump emphasized that Mrs. Clinton has been in government "all her adult life." Ironically, Clinton kept on coming back to her experience.

The number one debate related issue trending on Facebook was taxes. The number one issue on Twitter, was the economy.

Lester Holt asked Trump to explain away the birther issue. Both candidates professed respect for outgoing president Obama. But on the birther issue, Donald Trump said he was proud of having forced Obama to come forth with his birth certificate.

Holt closed the debate by asking each candidate if he or she has the proper temprament to be President. Hillary Clinton, naturally, spoke of her experience, and Donald Trump spoke of his. "I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temprament. I have a winning temprament. I know how to win. She does not know how to win," he said.

Chris Matthews on MSNBC, no Trump admirer, suggested that Mrs. Clinton attempted to get an angry reaction from Trump, but bringing up point after point about his businesses, where he derives his ego. For example, she said he owed $650 million to banks and wall street

John Podesta, Mrs. Clinton's campaign chairman, said it's doubtful Trump will do the other two debates "because this one was such a disaster."

Even Rachel Maddow said Podesta is hardly an objective observer on this point.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie pointed out that Mrs. Clinton didn't want to talk about her 33,000 deleted e mails, Trump's response to why he hasn't released his tax returns. "And Holt didn't hold her to it," he said.


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