Barbados-born recording superstar believes in educaton for all
Rihanna is to join a campaign to ensure that girls and boys in the world's poorest countries can get a quality education.
Rihanna's Clara Lionel Foundation today announced a multi-year partnership with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and international advocacy group Global Citizen.
The partnership will advocate for the rights of the over quarter of a billion children and young people who are not in school today and an estimated 330 million who are in school but not learning. Operating across more than 60 developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality education, the partnership will prioritize the poorest and most vulnerable, including girls and children affected by conflict and crisis.
In her new role as GPE Global Ambassador, Rihanna will encourage world leaders and policymakers to boost their support for global education and education in emergencies through the Global Partnership for Education, the only global organization focused exclusively on improving education in the world's poorest countries.
The announcement comes the same week as a group of influential leaders from all continents called on the world to invest more and better in education, particularly in the world's poorest countries. The report of the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity presents compelling new data and analysis and makes the case for urgent action to ensure education is the foundation for a world that is prosperous, peaceful, equitable and future-ready.
Speaking of the partnership, Rihanna said, "I feel strongly that all children everywhere should be afforded the opportunity of a quality education. Therefore I'm proud to announce Clara Lionel Foundation's partnership with education advocacy leaders like the Global Partnership for Education and Global Citizen. Working together, I know we can amplify our efforts and ensure that millions of children gain access to education globally."
GPE Chair and former Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, said, "We are thrilled that Rihanna is joining GPE as Global Ambassador to campaign for every child to be able to experience the power of a quality education. We have a once in a generation opportunity to build the commitment of world leaders to education, and Rihanna's voice and travels to countries where GPE is actively engaged, will be hugely influential in improving the lives of girls and boys everywhere."
Hugh Evans, CEO of Global Citizen said, "Achieving a future free of extreme poverty starts with education. In creating this partnership we bring together three complementary parties, Global Citizen will drive the advocacy and movement building efforts, Rihanna, whose reach as one of the greatest artists of our generation will amplify this essential work, and the Global Partnership for Education will campaign governments around the world to effect real change. By coming together, our organizations will have an impact for generations to come."
About The Clara Lionel Foundation - The Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF) is dedicated to breaking down barriers and transforming the lives of young people globally through education. CLF was founded in 2012 by Robyn "Rihanna" Fenty in honor of her grandparents, Clara and Lionel Braithwaite. Supporting the most innovative education programs worldwide as well as special projects in Rihanna's home country of Barbados, CLF is a revolutionary philanthropic space where supporters can join Rihanna's journey as a global ambassador for education. Current programs include the Clara Lionel Foundation Global Scholarship Program, the Clara Braithwaite Center for Oncology and Nuclear Medicine at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Barbados and the Barbados Micro Grants for Schools Program.
About the Global Partnership for Education - The Global Partnership for Education works with more than 60 developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, prioritizing the poorest, the most vulnerable and those living in fragile and conflict-affected countries. GPE mobilizes financing to improve learning and equity through building stronger education systems. As the only global organization focused exclusively on improving education, GPE brings together developing country and donor country governments, multilateral development and humanitarian agencies, and organizations from the private sector, philanthropy, civil society and the teaching profession.
About Global Citizen - Global Citizen is a social action platform for the global generation who are passionate about learning and taking action on the world's biggest issues. Global Citizen works in partnership with and supports some of the most effective organizations working to achieve the Global Goals and end extreme poverty. Global Citizen is therefore proud to support this groundbreaking and impactful partnership to support global issues including education and education in emergencies. Global Citizen will amplify, support and promote GPE and CLFs joint activities and advocacy through its platforms, partnerships and outreach to Global Citizens. Committed to providing the most interesting stories, effective actions and powerful campaigns, Global Citizen aims to reach and recruit the largest possible number of people who care about ending extreme poverty.
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