The United States will fulfill its goal of accepting 10,000 Syrian war refugees on Monday.
Any newswatcher knows that Syria has completely collapsed from its 3 year civil war, and it's no place for children or families.
As of February 2016, the United Nations (UN) has identified 13.5 million Syrians requiring humanitarian assistance, of which 6.6 million are internally displaced within Syria, and over 4.8 million are refugees outside of Syria. Turkey is the largest host country with over 2.7 million Syrian refugees. Jordan has taken in over 1,000,000 Syrian refugees. Over serious objections from some quarters, about 10,000 Syrian refugees have been resettled in the US.
The reaction to today's headline on US Twitter was deep and strong. Referring to a photo of a man with his two sons, Yvette Garcia tweeted: "Obama stated refugees are vetted for years before entry into US. So this gentleman was vetted for years?"
Some thought the refugees would not respect women's rights or gay rights. "They will be men soon still following Koran, & want a wife who submits. MEN, save our girls," tweeted Bruce Porter, referring to the photo of a man with 2 boys.
"Why not house the 10,000th Syrian (and all other refugees) at the homes of Every Member of #congress in D.C.," tweeted Todd Haines.
"Our 'leaders' destabilize th ME for $, we flip the bill & the 10,000th Syrian problem they created we pay for." Gov't needs to go., tweeted @somedude5000
"The 10,000th Syrian, like the 9,999 before, offers absolutely nothing to our civilization. A self-multiplying, low IQ drain," tweeted Bill Matheson.
#10,000th Syrian is not about assimilation for me. Its about not having jobs for people already here. The #dems are only buying voters." said MHPoe.
"Sick! 10,000 Syrian refugee adds 6.5 billion to the US national debt," tweeted @iriswall, citing a Congressional budget office subcommittee.
Perhaps no issue shows the gulf between America's ruling classes and some of it's people, as the issue of refugee resettlement. The US Government had to import these refugees, in contrast to Europe where the refugees just walk in. But not all the posts decried the Obama administration for accepting refugees.
"It's ironic that the same people making posts on "10,000th Syrian" claim that America is home of the brave. I don't see any bravery," tweeted #ZainaUjayli.
"Don't worry 10,000th Syrian, not all Americans are racist assholes like some of one's on this hash tag." Tweeted Eric Struble.
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