Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Concert at the Annenberg Beachhouse tonight to celebrate opening of California incline

Santa Monica midcity neighbors is the sponsor

When the California Incline closed for reconstruction some worried that detoured traffic would clog our neighborhoods. While local traffic has never seemed more congested, it is unknown if the closure was the reason. This week may give us an answer. At 9 a.m. Thursday, September 1, 2016, the Incline opens with a ribbon-breaking ceremony, music, food and the opportunity to walk the new road before it opens to vehicular traffic at 5 p.m. Who knows, at that point local streets may suddenly be clear of gridlock.

Tonight's free concert at the Annenberg Community Beach House features Johnny Boyd and Friends. Next month we have two Santa Monica Candidate Forums, one for City Council and another for the Santa Monica College Board of Trustees and the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Board of Directors. Save-the-Dates are below. Plans are in the works for the first Mid City Neighbors Oktoberfest Chili Cook-off, details forthcoming and appropriately volunteers for the Westside Food Bank are picking up donations. All details should be below.

Have fun this Labor Day weekend, and be safe.

See you down the road,

Santa Monica Mid City Neighbors


Tuesday, August 30 6:30 p.m. to

Swinging tunes with Johnny Boyd and Friends

Annenberg Community Beach House, Santa Monica


5:00 p.m .: Docents available at the Marion Davies Guest House to discuss the historic site

6:30 p.m .: Concert

"If Frank Sinatra and Johnny Cash had a love child, it would be Johnny Boyd." - NPR

No one exemplifies modern-day crooning better than Johnny Boyd: smooth, romantic vocals; a classic gentleman's style; and dynamic, irreverent performances. But it's his fresh, emotive, all-original contributions to the Great American Songbook that will be his legacy. Boyd, a prolific songwriter, is renowned for his unique ability to seamlessly blend jazz, swing, pop, country, gospel and rock, bringing back the nostalgic charisma of a bygone era. Program called from the stage.

Stop by early to save your seat and check out the historic site. Picnickers welcome (no alcohol or glass permitted onsite.) Docents from the Santa Monica Conservancy are available from 5-6:30pm on Tuesdays before Beach=Culture at the Marion Davies Guest House.

Tickets are free but space is limited and reservations are required. Arrive by 15 min before start time to retain your reservation. Late seating, even for reservation-holders, is not guaranteed. To adjust or cancel your reservation for this event, email We appreciate your keeping in touch!

Getting Here: The Beach House is located at 415 Pacific Coast Highway, Santa Monica, CA 90402 on the west side of Pacific Coast Highway. Enter off PCH at the Beach House Way traffic light.

Parking: The parking rate is April - October: $12/day or $3/hour, November - March: $8/day or $3/hour, payable at the park and pay machines in three areas of the ACBH parking lot. Credit cards or exact change only. Handicapped placards and Senior Beach Permits are accepted. For other parking info and lot hours, please check the website for details.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (PDT) - Add to Calendar


Annenberg Community Beach House - 415 Pacific Coast Hwy at Beach Coast Way, Santa Monica - View Map





Santa Monica Neighborhood Council*


Santa Monica City Council

Candidate Forum

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Santa Monica Public Library, Main Branch

Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium

Council Candidates Forum Committee

Danilo Bach, NOMA

Tricia Crane, Northeast Neighbors

Stacy Dalgleish, Santa Monica Mid City Neighbors

Laurence Eubank, Wilmont

Andrew Gledhill, OPA

Zina Josephs, Friends of Sunset Park

*The Neighborhood Council is composed of board members from the seven current city-recognized neighborhood associations.



Thursday, October, 20, 2016

6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Santa Monica Mid City Neighbors


Santa Monica College Board of Trustees


Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Board of Directors

Candidate Forum

Santa Monica Public Library, Main Branch

Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium



Santa Monica Mid City Neighbors

SMMCN Board of Directors

Stacy Dalgleish, President

Andrew Hoyer, Vice President and Government Affairs Officer

Ellen Hannan, Treasurer

Stefani Kong Uhler, Secretary and Communications Officer

Catherine Eldridge, Pico Neighborhood Liaison

Cathy Huh, Member-at-large

Nick Boles, Member-at


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