" I meant that he is the founder of Isis, literally" says Trump
Trump has escalated his claim that Pres. Barack Obama and Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton founded the Islamic State in Syria. He has also said that he was being sarcastic, speaking metaphorically, and "meant it literally," so take your pick.
"Our government isn't giving us good protection. Our government has unleashed ISIS," he said as he addressed the National Association of Home Builders in Miami. "I call President Obama and Hillary Clinton the founders of ISIS. They're the founders. In fact, I think we'll give Hillary Clinton the - you know, if you're on a sports team, most valuable player, MVP, you get the MVP award - ISIS will hand her the most valuable player award. Her only competition is Barack Obama."
His remarks echoed his sentiments earlier Thursday during a phone interview with CNBC's "Squawk Box," during which he also named Obama the MVP of ISIS.
"He gets the most valuable player award. Him and Hillary, she gets it too. I gave her co-founder if you really looked at this speech," Trump said. "But he and Hillary get the most valuable player award having to do with Iraq, and having to do with the ISIS situation, or as he would call it, ISIL. He calls it ISIL because nobody else does and he probably wants to bother people by using another term, whether it's more accurate or not."
“Is there something wrong with saying that? Are people complaining that I said he was the founder of ISIS?” Trump said. “Look, all I do is tell the truth. I'm a truth teller. All I do is tell the truth.”
For the first time, Trump seems to be contemplating the polls, the fact that he has less than 40% of support of voters. What happens
“If at the end of 90 days I fall in short because I'm somewhat politically incorrect even though I'm supposed to be the smart one and even though I'm supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it's okay,” he continued. “I go back to a very good way of life.”
In a radio interview later Thursday morning on the Hugh Hewitt Show, Trump would not back away from his "founder" line of attack against Obama even when offered an out by the host, who suggested to the Manhattan billionaire that "I know what you meant. You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”
“No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do," Trump interrupted Hewitt to say. "He’s the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.”
“Is there something wrong with saying that? Are people complaining that I said he was the founder of ISIS?” Trump said. “Look, all I do is tell the truth. I'm a truth teller. All I do is tell the truth.”
“If at the end of 90 days I fall in short because I'm somewhat politically incorrect even though I'm supposed to be the smart one and even though I'm supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it's okay,” Trump continued. “I go back to a very good way of life.”
In a radio interview later Thursday morning on the Hugh Hewitt Show, Trump would not back away from his "founder" line of attack against Obama even when offered an out by the host, who suggested to the Manhattan billionaire that "I know what you meant. You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”
“But he’s not sympathetic to them," Hewitt replied. "He hates them. He’s trying to kill them."
“I don’t care. He was the founder," Trump said. "The way he got out of Iraq, that was the founding of ISIS.”
Trump also claimed on Thursday that the Islamic State is rooting for Clinton to win in November. “Oh boy, is ISIS hoping for her,” he told the NAHB crowd in Miami. “Is China hoping — can you imagine China? They’d come in. You ever negotiate with the Chinese? They’re tough. They’re tough. You gotta him them back with a lot of energy.”
Clinton's campaign on Thursday morning responded to the "false claim" by Mr. Trump that Obama founded the Islamic State and accused Trump of "trash-talking the United States."
"It goes without saying that this is a false claim from a presidential candidate with an aversion to the truth and an unprecedented lack of knowledge," Clinton's senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement. "What's remarkable about Trump's comments is that once again, he's echoing the talking points of Putin and our adversaries to attack American leaders and American interests, while failing to offer any serious plans to confront terrorism or make this country more secure."
Quotes from: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trump-obama-clinton-islamic-state-226901#ixzz4H3JescWT
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