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CAIR says $205 million Spent to Spread Islamophobia in America

CAIR says Fox News, Washington Times, American Center for Law and Justice guilty

A report has come out regarding the resources spent promoting Islamophobia that would be humorous if it were not so disturbing. Produced as a joint project of the Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the UC Berkeley Center for Race and Gender, the report is titled "Confronting Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact on the U.S. 2013-2015."

According to Legal Insurrection, the document contains a lengthy list of groups that CAIR claims spread hate of Muslims, including Fox News, the Washington Times, the American Center for Law and Justice (which defends religious and First Amendment freedoms), and such individuals as former Congressman Allen B. West and blogger Glenn Beck. Combining the budgets of these numerous organizations allows CAIR to come up with a whopping $205 million dollars spent promoting hatred of Muslims.

Not mentioned is that, for free, one murderous individual does far more damage to the image of Islam than all the bloggers in the world could do with ten times that budget.

Interestingly, the man behind this report, the director of the UC Berkeley Islamophobia Research and Documentation project at the Center for Race and Gender, is Hatem Bazian. Bazian is one of the founders of the viciously anti-Israel and frequently anti-Semitic Students for Justice in Palestine. SJP has been responsible for numerous incidents of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish incitement on campuses across the United States.

So what's good for the goose is not what's good for the gander.

The report also lists as promoters of hate for Islam Muslims and former Muslims who seek to reform Islam and divorce the religion from its reliance on violent jihad and harsh, anti-women Sharia law.

CAIR might get further in looking like a legitimate organization that works to promote a fair view of Islam and Muslims if it spent more time pondering how to stop the real destruction caused by violent jihadists who claim Islam as their inspiration. Only if Muslims actually work to halt violent jihad can they lay a claim to a spot in the "religiously-inclusive" society Bazian thinks is their due.


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