Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Local News Briefs

City to Manage Traffic

The City says it will manage the anticipated influx of people into Downtown during summer weekends and holidays. The City calls the program “Go with the Flow” and it aims to keep cars moving, streets safer and parking easier to find in Downtown Santa Monica.

Until Labor Day, every weekend and holiday will be designated a “Go with the Flow” day. From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. traffic officers and other city staff will be out in force; directing drivers in and out of parking structures, relieving crowded intersections and trouble spots, and keeping intersections clear of gridlock. Or so says the City anyway.

“Another key factor in this traffic management strategy will be the reduction of left turns. In the Downtown area making left turns in or out of parking structures will not be allowed. This will keep traffic flowing and reduce backups entering and exiting structures,” says the City press release.

In addition, signs will be placed at major routes into town notifying drivers which lots have available spaces. There are eight parking structures Downtown offering 5,229 spaces, all within one block of each other. Additional signs will direct drivers to the South Beach lots instead of Downtown..

Lincoln Middle School Seeks Site Council

As it does every Fall, Lincoln seeks 6 parents of next years students, to volunteer to serve on the School Site Council.

“The SSC mission is to review the academic and cultural plan for the school and advise the principal as to how school monies should be spent. It is a great opportunity to be involved with high-level vision and planning for the school as well as to get to know the principal and teachers.” The SSC is composed of 16 members including Principal Suzanne Webb, 7 teachers, and 8 parents.

To put your name on the ballot, please email Jennie Wadsworth at jennie.wadsworth@gmail .com with a short bio that addresses your qualifications listed below. Also, please register on the Lincoln website: says school administrator Jennie Wadsworth

SF’s Three Twins Sells Ice Cream on Main

Even more transplant ice cream is hitting town just as the summer begins. The Bay Area’s Three Twins, which specializes in organic ice cream, has a space just about to open, by the looks of it.

Located on Santa Monica’s Main Street next to Sunny Blue, staff looked like it was ready to open within the next week or so.

Already selling pints in Whole Foods and other specialty stores, the budding chain already has four scoop shops in Northern California. This marks the first shop outside of the Bay Area.


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