Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words


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  • LA Gets Philadelphia-style Looting and Rioting if George Gascon Becomes District Attorney, Guaranteed

    Alyssa Erdley, News with Attitude|Updated Oct 30, 2020

    There was a marked difference in the response and capability of police in quelling rioting between Philadelphia and Los Angeles this week. In Philadelphia, police were outmanned and overpowered when rioting and looting broke out in response to the police shooting death of Walter Wallace, Jr. Purported protestors rampaged through the city for two days, looting stores and injuring journalists, police, and each other. At least 11 people were shot by other looters. Meanwhile, in...

  • $10,000 reward announced for location of Police Commission's Violent Crime Reduction Plan

    Tom Saggau and Dustin DeRollo, Los Angeles Police Protective League|Updated Oct 30, 2020

    Los Angeles (CA) While homicides are trending towards a 10-year high, and shooting victims up over 23%, no Violent Crime Reduction Plan from the Los Angeles Police Commission can be found. The Los Angeles Police Protective League is offering a $10,000 reward for anyone who can locate and deliver to the residents of Los Angles the Police Commission's strategy to address the alarming increase in homicides, shootings, and gang violence. This past Tuesday, Chief Moore reported...

  • How to Vote on the Propositions if You Don't Want a Toilet State in California

    Alyssa Erdley, Voting with Attitude|Updated Oct 25, 2020

    There are many alarmingly radical propositions on the ballot this election. Please go through the many measures, educate yourself, and vote. Otherwise, you will be unpleasantly surprised with the results, which could include your favorite businesses closing, increased costs for everything - including ride shares - and uncontrollable crime on the streets. Proposition 14 - Bonds for Stem Cell Research-- NO This bond essentially borrows $7.3 billion for medical research. While...

  • Facebook Says Dissemination of Positive Information About Trump Violates Community Standards, blocks link to

    Observer Staff|Updated Oct 25, 2020

    When Donald Trump was elected president in November of 2016, his opponents were dumbfounded. How could this television personality, a veritable buffoon, have defied conventional wisdom and every single poll that said he would lose by a landslide? How could the country possibly have chosen him? The possibility that Trump and his message of "America first" might have actually appealed to Americans was discounted. Foul play must have been involved. Along with other conspiracy...

  • Why Vote for the Slate of 4 for Santa Monica City Council

    Alyssa Erdley, News with Attitude|Updated Oct 25, 2020

    Santa Monica looks like one big construction pit. Soon enough, it will look like one big traffic jam, with cars circling like sharks (if they can move) to find the extremely rare parking spot. All this was done with private agreements between the city and developers to allow building beyond the city's zoning limits. Crimes of all types are on the rise although they are often not recorded. Residents assume the police don't care, and many crimes have been downgraded to...

  • How to Vote on our Local Santa Monica Ballot, if You Want to Climb Out of the Toilet We're In

    Alyssa Erdley, Voting with Attitude|Updated Oct 25, 2020

    Along with the alarming issues on the California State ballot there are a few alarming issues to be decided at the city and county level. In addition, you must choose who you want to run various local institutions and think hard about the environment that has been provided by incumbents. We provide guidance. Santa Monica City Council Phil Brock--Christine Parra Oscar de la Torre -- Mario Fonda-Bonardi Together, these candidates have the best chance at changing the current...

  • We Should Thank God for the Honesty, Integrity, and Competence of the Police in US Cities: Let's Not Ruin That

    Corva Corvax, A Logical Opinion|Updated Oct 25, 2020

    On October 15, former Mexican defense secretary and army leader General Salvador Cienfuegos was arrested as he arrived at Los Angeles International Airport. According to KTLA's anonymous sources, the former Mexican cabinet minister was arrested on charges of drug trafficking and money laundering. Cienfuegos is the second high-ranking Mexican official to be arrested on such charges in one year. Mexican security official Genaro Garcia Luna was arrested in Texas on drug trafficki...

  • California Health Equity Metric is the Last Straw in the Government's Lockdown Camel

    Alyssa Erdley, News with Attitude|Updated Oct 20, 2020

    The latest in a series of ever-changing requirements for reopening is the California Health Equity Metric. Before the new metric was announced by Governor Newsom at the end of September, a county only had to show an overall lowering in cases and test positivity rates in order to move from one "tier" to the next restrictive tier. Now, a county must also demonstrate that those census tracts in the "lowest quartile of the Healthy Places Index" can meet or come near the rates for...

  • The Left is Intolerant of Religious Diversity

    The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights|Updated Oct 19, 2020

    October 16, 2020 - Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on another remark by Sen. Dianne Feinstein that has made the news: When Sen. Dianne Feinstein made a patently anti-Catholic comment in 2017, saying to circuit-court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, "the dogma lives loudly within you," I wrote to the senator expressing my concerns. More important, I mobilized thousands of Catholics to email Sen. Charles Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, about...

  • Dozens of Local Ballots Found in Trash Bin, Alleges SM City Council Candidate

    Mary Leipziger, Senior Staff Photographer.|Updated Oct 14, 2020

    Oscar de la Torre, the often outspoken candidate for Santa Monica City Council alleges that dozens of ballots were found in a trash can. He has called a press conference for 3 pm Wednesday. We sent our most senior staff photographer, Mary Leipziger, to attend. "A young man in a chartreuse jacket said came home from work at 4 AM Thursday October 8. (He would not give me his name, nor some photos he says he has). He is a local resident, and found his neighbors congregating in...

  • Dhun May-Candidate for School Board, Proposes More Whole Food, Fewer Vaccines

    Samuel Alioito, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Oct 6, 2020

    The family of Dhun May travelled from India to Malaya (which is now part of Malaysia), then to Jamaica and then to The Bahamas before arriving in the United States-- at which time Dhun May was 9 years old. May is Zoroastrian and so is a member of a community that today is one of the world's smallest communities. She has a beloved adult son who passed away named Daniel, and a daughter who is a veterinarian. The daughter, Dr. Armaiti May, is an activist for veganism and opposes...

  • State with Electricity Shortage Orders Everyone to Buy Electric Cars. Gov. Newsom Bans Gas Cars in 15 years

    Alyssa Erdley, News with Attitude|Updated Oct 3, 2020

    Governor Newsom signed an executive order requiring all passenger vehicles sold after 2035 to be zero-emission. The order commands the California Air Resources Board to develop regulations that will make this goal of all-electric vehicles a reality. Once these regulations are drafted, they will go through a process of legal, economic, and environmental analyses, as well as public comment and hearings. Newsom's order, which he calls "the most impactful step our state can take...

  • Newsom Postpones Student Marxist Indoctrination with Veto of AB331, Ethnic Studies High School Graduation Requirement

    Corva Corvax, A Logical Opinion|Updated Oct 3, 2020

    Governor Newsom sent AB331, a bill requiring an Ethnic Studies course for California high school graduation, back to the legislature without a signature on September 30, the last possible day for his action on the legislation. Writing that "I value the role ethnic studies plays in helping students think critically about our history and understand the experience of marginalized communities in our state," Newsom believed the bill was not ready to be made into law. "Last year I...

  • SoCal Museums Explore 2020 Elections with Timely Programs and Exhibitions

    Updated Sep 30, 2020

    As the 2020 elections approach, museums across Southern California are offering meaningful ways to engage in the electoral process by presenting online historical and contemporary exhibitions; holding timely conversations about the ballot propositions, voter suppression, and other relevant topics; serving as polling places; and more, underscoring how culture and art intersect with civic life. The complete list of election-related programs and activities compiled by SoCal...

  • New York Times Drops a Bomb On the President. No One Cares

    Stan Greene, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Sep 29, 2020

    Two days before President Donald Trump is scheduled to debate Democratic Presidential candidate and former VP Joseph Biden; the New York Times dropped a "bombshell" report on Trump taxes. Claiming to have examined secondary documents related to his tax returns, though not the returns themselves; the Times reports that Trump paid no taxes for 10 of the 15 years prior to 2017. "In some years, he paid as little as $750," reports the Times, attributing this to the fact that Trump...

  • 5 Ways to Avoid Malicious Influences During the Election Campaign

    Corva Corva, A logical opinion|Updated Sep 20, 2020

    Many are concerned about "election interference" during the campaign season leading up to the November election. The words mean different things to different people. Some see images of Macedonian trolls at computer banks pretending to be Trump supporters on Facebook. Others think of foreign electronics experts fiddling with election computers. Still others imagine postal workers going rogue and dumping mail-in ballots. ​Whatever your fear, here are five ways to avoid having y...

  • US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at 87. #SCOTUS #NotoriousRBG trending on Twitter.

    Stan Greene, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Sep 20, 2020

    Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died suddenly at the age of 87. She died on September 18, 2020 of metastatic pancreatic cancer at her home, her office announced. She was known to have had at least 3 surgeries for cancer over the last 3 years. A favorite of the left, Ginsburg was the author of some of the Court's most far reaching and liberal rulings, and the longest serving justice on SCOTUS. Her death will greatly complicate the US Presidential election, which...

  • Chinese Wet Markets Sell Cats and Kittens to Labs, And Your Tax Dollars Subsidize It

    Sabine Ganezer, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Sep 13, 2020

    Sorry folks. Turns out, your tax dollars are being used to torture kittens. The Veterans' Affairs Laboratory divisions in Louisville, Cleveland, and right here in Los Angeles are conducting cruel "experiments" on cats and kittens. Healthy animals' spines are snapped, devices are implanted in their bodies to force on-demand bowel movements, constipation is induced with the help of squeezing harnesses; and at the end of the process, any survivors are simply killed. After all,...

  • US President Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Middle East Peace Agreement Between UAE and Israel.

    Samuel Alioto, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Sep 13, 2020

    When President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, he famously said, "I'm truly honored. But I haven't done anything yet." You probably won't hear about it at all on American mainstream media, but US President Donald J. Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Norwegian Parliament member Christian Tybring-Gjedde nominated the president, citing efforts to resolve world conflict. He said: "Trump has broken a 39-year-old streak of American Presidents...

  • Trump Strikes Blow at Critical Race Theory for Anti-American Curricula, Threatens to Cut Federal Funding

    Alyssa Erdley, News with Attitude|Updated Sep 10, 2020

    California could lose federal education funding if they persist in teaching an "antiracist" curriculum. Last week, Trump was alerted via segments on Fox News that workers at federal agencies were being forced to attend racial sensitivity training that resembled Soviet gulags, with white workers being forced to concede that "virtually all White people contribute to racism" and that it is racist to consider America the land of opportunity. The president directed Russ Vought,...

  • Let's Divide Everyone into Tribes and Examine Why White People are So Awful: CA Approves Marxist Ethnic Studies Requirement

    Corva Corvax, a Logical Opinion|Updated Sep 7, 2020

    Santa Monica lost its progressive cred as the state surpassed the school district in shoving radical left indoctrination down our students' throats by passing AB 331, a law requiring a semester of ethnic studies for high school graduation, together with a model curriculum that sounds more like a Marxist manifesto than a public school resource. This summer, SMMUSD approved embedding "antiracist" elements in the K-12 curriculum and revised the 11th grade U.S. History class to...

  • Police Union Guilty of Ruining the City's Economy, says Mike Bonin, Blaming the Union for His Own Covid-related Policy Mistakes

    Alyssa Erdley, News with Attitude|Updated Sep 7, 2020

    On Wednesday, Los Angeles Councilmember Mike Bonin published an editorial in the LA Times and sent out an email blasting the police union for refusing to take a pay cut during a time of deadly pandemic and economic collapse. It would be solely due to the Los Angeles Police Protective League's intransigence, according to Bonin, that budget cuts would have to be taken across the board in other Los Angeles city services. Bonin claims funding cuts will impact emergency...

  • SMRR, Santa Monica Forward Endorse Incumbents for City Council

    Leonard Guzz Brophy IV, Recovering Alcoholic--Observer Staff Writer|Updated Sep 7, 2020

    If you want to win a political race in this city, you're probably going to need the support of Santa Monicans for Renters' Rights, better known as SMRR, or face a tough uphill battle. At its recent online convention, SMRR endorsed only City Council incumbents, although not all of them got the nod. The endorsees are Gleam Davis, Ted Winterer, Ana Jara, and Kristin McCowan (McCowan is running unopposed in a special election to keep the seat she was appointed to in July). The...

  • Los Angeles Police Union blames Councilman Bonin For Vandalism at Police Station

    Samuel Alioto, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Sep 6, 2020

    The LAPD says that lives of officers were threatened by a mom of BLM rioters on Friday night, August 28, 2020. The Black Lives Matter inspired rioters, spray painted the building with graffiti and allegedly threatened the lives of police personnel. The LAPD's statement is as follows: Last night an unruly mob surrounded the Van Nuys Community Police Station, vandalizing the station and threatening the lives of police officers. Some of the damage can be viewed at this social...

  • Why is Russia Trying to Provoke the US Military Into a Confrontation, with Near Collisions on Sea, Air and Land?

    David Ganezer, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Sep 2, 2020

    A dangerous vehicle collision between U.S and Russian soldiers in Northeastern Syria on August 24 injured 4 US soldiers. On August 28th, Russian Air Force Jets flew within 100 feet of a US F-35 Fighter in the Black Sea. In June of 2019, an American guided-missile cruiser and a Russian destroyer came within 165 feet of each other in the East China Sea. The USS Chancellorsville was forced to wave off a chopper that had been preparing to land and reverse all engines at full...

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