Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Articles from the November 14, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 10 of 10

  • Santa Monica Blvd Closed Due to Accident

    Observer Staff|Updated Nov 17, 2016

    Update, 11:35 am: Traffic collision investigation on Santa Monica Blvd. between Centinela and Berkley has concluded. Santa Monica Blvd is now open in both directions. Below is the entire content of a message from the City of Santa Monica: Santa Monica Blvd is closed in both direction between Centinela Avenue and Berkley due to a traffic collision investigation. This area will be clossed until further notice. Please adjust travel routes around this area....

  • Astonishing Pay of Santa Monica Bureaucrats Attracts Attention of CBS News

    Observer Staff |Updated Nov 15, 2016

    We've been talking about it for years: The huge paychecks paid by the City of Santa Monica to its progressive bureaucrats. Now it's finally attracted the attention of CBS News media. Why do 105 Santa Monica City employees, make more than $300,000 a year? Tune in to the channel 2 News at 11 pm Monday, and find out. Good luck explaining that one, guys. "Small City, Big Pay." The Santa Monica city manager makes $450,000 a year which is 20% less than the $650,000 a year the city...

  • Jeff Tolly, 45, Found Dead After Search at Manhattan Beach Pier

    Observer Staff|Updated Nov 15, 2016

    Update 12:30 am Monday: The Coast Guard ended their search for Jeff Tolly, 45 near Manhattan Beach Pier Monday, after he was located deceased by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department dive team at 10:55 a.m. The father of three was married to Kristy Tolly, a local pediatrician. The couple has 3 children. At 1 pm Sunday, the Coast Guard reported to The Observer that it, along with the Los Angeles County Lifeguards were searching for a 45-year-old male diver near Manhattan...

  • No, Ivanka won't display giant mockups of her Jewelry line on Mt. Rushmore

    Stan Greene, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Nov 15, 2016

    "The worst-case scenario of a Trump presidency: Women lose their reproductive freedom. There are mass deportations. There is a religious test for entry into America. Denying climate change becomes official policy and we exit our agreements. Our international alliances are effectively terminated. The orientation of economic policy-making is rooted in yesterday's industries and does not account for the rise of robotics and intelligence. Trump governs as an autocratic strongman...

  • Mars Candy Calls on Global Leaders to take Bold Action on Climate Change

    Zane|Updated Nov 15, 2016

    Mars, Incorporated is urging the business community and global leaders at COP22 to take bold action to implement the targets agreed last year in Paris for tackling climate change. Mars combined this call to action with an announcement of plans for a wind farm in Mexico-its third major wind energy commitment in as many years. Mars has an ambition to eliminate all fossil fuel use from its operations by 2040. Today the company is urging business and global leaders to do the same...

  • Brightest Supermoon Since 1948 to Dominate Skies Tonight

    Observer Staff|Updated Nov 14, 2016

    This year, the full moons of October, November and December all take place when the moon is at its closest point of approach in its orbit around Earth — a so-called supermoon. The moon will appear 14% bigger and 30% brighter than your average full moon, said astronomer Corey Powell. Because it's so big and bright, it does not require a telescope. Just go up with a pencil and piece of paper, and see what you can draw. The moon will reach its peak at 854 PM EST. Los Angeles c...

  • In the War on Obesity is Stevia Friend or Foe?

    Ron Irwin|Updated Nov 14, 2016

    We all know that to live a better, longer and healthier life we need to establish and then maintain a proper weight for our age, height and gender. But we also know that a sweet taste is awesome. Candy, cupcakes, pies, soft drinks – all delicious – all sweet – all absolutely horrible for our well-being so what to do? We invent sugar substitutes such as saccharin and aspartame. The problem is that those artificial sweeteners bring even more serious health issues inclu...

  • Antonio Shelton Raps with SamoHi Students About the Election of President Donald Trump

    Samuel Alioto, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Nov 14, 2016 calls the election of Donald Trump Tuesday night "the biggest political upset in US History." Santa Monica residents and others reacted with surprise, since after all, Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton won California's electoral votes by more than 3%. Mrs. Clinton consistently out polled Mr. Trump by 4 or 5%, so his election has been described as then biggest surprise in American presidential elections since "Dewey Defeats Truman" headline in 1948. More about tha...

  • Local Voters Return Incumbents to Power, Turn Down Measure LV

    David Ganezer, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Nov 14, 2016

    Proving that the Santa Monica electorate really, really likes intensive development; local voters returned all 4 incumbent City Council members to Santa Monica City Council. In voting for Terry O'Day, Gleam Davis, Tony Vasquez and Ted Winterer, the voters rejected SMMUSD School Board member Oscar de la Torre and Armen Melkonians. Melkonians ran an outside campaign connected with Measure LV, which would have greatly restricted the size of new developments in San- ta Monica. Som...

  • Will President Trump Be Impeached By a Republican Congress?

    Stan Greene, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Nov 14, 2016

    Several colleges try to comfort students upset by Donald Trump's victory. In some colleges, exams have been cancelled or postponed, while at Cornell, students held a cry in on the quad. At Berkeley, the administration let upset students march on campus, or play with Playdoh or crayons. I'm not making this up. Colleges have become the least liberal places in the world when it comes to free speech. Seriously, you can speak your mind more easily at a North Korean Communist Party...