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On Saturday, September 17, Filmmaker Chris Paine will present journalist Dan Neil with AltCar's first annual Disrupter Award, followed by a discussion about how creative influencers are impacting the next generation of EVs. AltCar will also celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Who Killed the Electric Car with a free screening. The presentation and screening will start at Noon in the East Wing of the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. "Dan Neil has been turning over apple carts,...
In the City's long-running battle to close the Santa Monica Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has only to lose one time and the airport closes. Thus far, the City seems to always lose. Stay tuned. Eduardo A. Angeles, the FAA's associate administrator for airports, acted as the appellate panel for the FAA. Angeles affirmed a decision made in December by Byron K. Huffman, acting director of the agency's Office of Airport Compliance. This effectively upholds a...
Update 8/19: Jimmy Feigen, one of the U.S. Olympic swimmers caught up in Ryan Lochte's fabricated tale of robbery in Rio reached a deal with authorities to donate $11,000 in order to leave Brazil, his lawyer said early Friday. Two American swimmers were pulled off their flight to the United States by Brazilian authorities, United States Olympic officials said Wednesday night, the latest indication that the police are skeptical of the swimmers' claims that they were held up at...
Scotland has the European Union's biggest oil reserve, but they have pledged to use only 100% renewable sustainability for energy by the year 2020. Any doubts about their plans disappeared on August 7, when an unusual storm sent gale-force winds gusting across the small country. Although generally only providing a part of Scotland's energy, the weather front kicked their wind farms into overdrive, and by day's end the turbines had produced 106% of their total energy needs....
Madeleine Lebeau, an actress known best for her role as Rick's girlfriend in the classic film "Casablanca," died May 1. Coincidentally, a remake of one of the three most romantic films of all time is in the works. Paul Feig, who recently directed Ghosbusters, has been asked to direct it, but has not yet signed. The French actress played the jilted girlfriend of Rick in the legendary film. LeBeau is seen singing "La Marseillaise" while tears well up in her eyes as the French...
A case of infection has been reported by Florida health authorities outside the one square mile Wynwood area of Miami, where the virus was thought to have been contained. It is not known if a mosquito travelled outside the zone, or if the virus itself is now infecting people outside Wynwood. There's no evidence of active spread of the Zika Virus, outside Wynwood. But one Miami woman with Zika who lives outside of Wynwood in Miami has been reported this week. Meanwhile, the US...
After two years with no reported cases, experts had hoped that the disease was gone from the African continent forever. Now, Nigeria joins Afghanistan and Pakistan on the short list of countries where polio is still actively infecting children. Despite difficult and dangerous social and geographic circumstances, the World Health Organization and other involved groups say efforts to contain the virus will be swift and aggressive. Millions of doses of vaccine, thousands of...
Those who know me know that I am not afraid to say the emperor has no clothes, there is an elephant in the room, and it's time to call a spade a spade. Whatever Intersex athlete Caster Semenya's True story maybe, it is unfair to make other women compete against her in events such as the Olympic 800 meters. First of all why do we have separate athletic events for men and women anyway? It's because of the presence of testosterone lands on advantage to men in building muscle...