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[[Update] At 11:25 p.m., authorities announced that they had found the "missing" man safe in a nearby parking structure. No one saw him leave the water and there was no information on how he got to the structure. Los Angeles County lifeguards were reportedly searching for a 25-year-old who jumped off the Santa Monica pier around 8 PM Sunday evening. The man jumped off the pier after an argument with his twin brother. LA County lifeguard boats were searching for the man as of...
(The following is a statement by Executive Director Jason Peltier of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority on a request by Environmentalists to the State Water Resources Control Board for even more water aimed at protecting Delta Smelt.) LOS BANOS, CA - As environmental special interests request the State Water Resources Control Board expand failed policies on Delta Smelt, Californians are calling on the Board to implement new science-based, common sense approaches to...
When you first approach the Petersen automotive museum, its unique appearance gives the museum a strikingly modern aesthetic. The giant silver ribbons on a bright red background make the building stand out among the other drab buildings surrounding it The ribbons create an effect that makes the museum appear to be moving. This modern façade, designed by the architectural firm Kohn Pedersen Fox, belies the interior of the building, which is filled primarily with relics from...
A Queens, NY Imam was shot in the head and his assistant was shot in the chest by an unknown gunman in broad daylight as they left prayer services at the Al-Furqan Jame Masjid Mosque in Ozone Park. Around 1:50 pm EST, the two men were walking together when a strange man approached them, pulled out a large handgun, and started firing. The shooter, who fled the scene, was described by witnesses as tall and dark-skinned, possibly Hispanic, wearing a dark blue shirt and short...
On Wednesday, the so-called "Grim Sleeper" serial killer, was sentenced to death by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Kathleen Kennedy. The sentence followed a 6-month jury trial for former city sanitation worker Lonnie Franklin, Jr, 63. In her sentence, Kennedy agreed with the jury's June recommendation of the death penalty. Franklin was convicted on May 5 of all 10 counts of first-degree murder with the special circumstance of multiple murders. He is believed...
Las Vegas cab driver, Renee Etzel, got more than she bargained for when dropping off publicist Christine Peake to the residence of British Icon and Vegas Headliner, Matt Goss. Renee's cab had a steering issue leaving her stuck on the curb. Much to her to joy, good Samaritan, Goss, jumped in the car, got her out of the ditch and even brought her into his home for cold water as she awaited her towing company. Renee said, "It's the best breakdown I have ever had, and the icing...
One has to wonder whether the adults in charge of the LA Times Editorial Board were part of the recent mass exodus from the Times. The question is raised because of a most recent rambling editorial concerning the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, demonstrating yet again the Times antipathy towards law enforcement. In an editorial ostensibly concerning a delay in the Board of Supervisor's implementation of a "Civilian Oversight Commission", the Times took a bizarre turn and...