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Ask Rusty – About Payroll Tax and Income Tax on Social Security Dear Rusty: Is it possible for you to go over how the Federal withholding tax is computed on Social Security benefits? Signed: Curious Taxpayer. Dear Curious: I'm not sure if you're asking about how FICA (or self-employment) tax on your earnings from work is determined, or if you're asking about how much income tax to have withheld from your Social Security benefit, so I'll address both: The 7.65% FICA tax w...
Santa Monica resident Haleh Mashian is ready to bring her artistic creativity to the heart of Los Angeles. Mashian is the owner of the Mash Gallery, and is also a talented artist . The Mash Gallery, established it's flawless reputation as the leading art gallery in Downtown Los Angeles is on the move! Creative Angeleno's are already buzzing with excitement about what this means to the LA art community. The stunning 2000 sq ft location which will become the new home to Mash Gal...
Courts & Rulings C.A. denies Gascón's plea to limit judges' reconsiderations The Court of Appeal for this district yesterday avoided the issue of whether a judge may reinstate dismissed special circumstances allegations and enhancements sua sponte, shunning a request by Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón to declare that no such power exists absent a motion for reconsideration by the prosecution, and despite an apparent desire by the state Supreme Court that t...
WASHINGTON, DC, Apr 15 – In the first decade of the last century a young German psychiatrist discovered a new disease. But it took the worldwide medical community some seven decades to fully acknowledge the devastating impact of Dr. Alois Alzheimer's diagnosis. As a result the "A-word" now has a particularly scary connotation for senior citizens. Perhaps it is because it is normal to experience memory loss as we age. But the news about the correlation between age and memory lo...
17: Potemkin Villages originated in Russia in the 19th Century. Today's Potemkin village consist of Russian air fields full of styrofoam planes. "Google's increased resolution over Russian military bases is already yielding hilarity," tweeted Kyiv Expat. "Just how much of the Russian Air Force is styrofoam?" Russia had said it possessed over 1200 fighter jets before the Ukraine war (in contract with Ukraine, which had around 90 aging Soviet fighter planes when the war...
My last two stories were drug related. So you probably sensed there was an elephant in the room. It's unfortunately true. Here we go again. Street drugs are prevalent once again inside these walls. I thank God that I'll have 6 years clean in May 2022. The prison is turning into a zoo. Many, many of my peers are on drugs! The dealers are in the two worst housing units. I also thank God I don't live in either of those buildings. The evidence is clear. Already more fights and...
The World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) has published a series of recommendations for brands, marketers and advertisers to ensure their environmental claims are credible among consumers and can be backed up if challenged by regulators. The global organization, which represents marketers responsible for 90% of global marketing communications spend around the world, aims to provide marketers with a clear set of principles and best practices to follow when they communicate the...