Community, Diversity, Sustainability and other Overused Words

Articles from the March 15, 2018 edition

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  • GBK Premiere Oscar Gifting Event

    Updated Mar 16, 2018

    GBK Premiere Oscar Gifting Event This Award season, GBK, the veteran Luxury Lifestyle Gifting and special events company honored the 2018 Academy Award Nominees and Presenters by hosting its Annual Nominees and presents Luxury Oscar gifting lounge. Held at gorgeous studio space nestled in Beverly Hills, appropriately so, this year the guests were treated to a lavish array of gifts and services. This Awards season saw luxury lifestyle brands being showcased such as: One of the...

  • Tesla Applies for Permit to Build Charging Station Restaurant on Santa Monica Blvd

    Stan Greene, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Mar 15, 2018

    Tesla is reportedly planning on building a charging station and drive in restaurant. One such restaurant has already been built near Kettleman City, about 180 miles up the 5 freeway. Where else would you build a drive through hangout for millionaire Tesla drivers? You guessed it, Santa Monica. The old Volvo dealership on Santa Monica Blvd and 15th Street will be transformed into "be turned into an old school themed drive-in restaurant, complete with roller skates (like what...

  • Nelson Charged in Feb. 17 Shooting at 5th and Arizona Avenue

    Observer Staff|Updated Mar 14, 2018

    3/9/2018: SMPD detectives say they filed charges against Carl Marcel Nelson, 33, from Los Angeles for a shooting at 5th Street and Arizona on February 18th. That night, several men were in a fist fight after exiting a nearby nightclub called the West End. The fight ended when Nelson pulled out a pistol. "The suspect shot at a male victim and fled the location. The victim was struck multiple times in the lower leg . The victim was found in a nearby car with multiple gunshot...

  • SamoHi Conducts Organized Walkout Against Gun Violence

    Samuel Alioto, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Mar 14, 2018

    The SMMUSD organized a walkout at 10 am Wednesday morning, to protest the recent shooting of 17 high school students in Parkland Florida. They called for more gun laws, and laws to address gun violence in the United States. 2500 Santa Monica High School students gathered on the athletic field, and listened to speakers, mostly in favor of gun control. One of the young women who organized the protest, Jasmine, told us: "Today we had a walkout at Santa Monica High School we...

  • City Manager Rick Cole Appoints Cynthia Renaud to Head SMPD

    Observer Staff|Updated Mar 14, 2018

    Those of us who've live in Santa Monica for a while have seen new police chiefs come and go, about every 5 years in fact. That way they take home around $2 million or so, and max out their pension benefits. Undeniably, Chief of police in this town a tough job, made tougher by the massive prison release that resulted from Democratic dominance of California politics, and prop 57. Some local residents have dubbed the Expo Line "The Crime Train" on social media. I've noticed that...

  • Men in Black Trumped Democracy. But they were not Russian, Says Frenchman

    Nancy Kaufman, Observer Staff Writer|Updated Mar 14, 2018

    It's not Russia's interference with the 2016 elections that tilted the vote Trump's way, but rather a dark force hiding in the shadows of his campaign, which is the subject of the French journalist and documentarian, Thomas Huchon's film, Trumping Democracy: Real$ "Fake News" "Your Data," that was released last December. As we take our "mystery tour," through Huchon's film, we travel down paths of dark money, algorithms, sharp tools of the digital trade, and psychometrics, as...

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