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2/7/2018: The Santa Monica PD says it has filed charges against a 23 year old Long Beach woman, for armed robbery of a jewelry store on Montana Avenue Lexis Monee Willis allegedly came to L’Oliphant Jewelry Store around 4 PM on January 5th. She posed as a customer, selecting 2 diamond rings from the display case. When the clerk was distracted, Willis ran out of the store with $12,000 in diamond rings, police say. Willis “ran towards the alley and entered the passenger sid...
Over numerous resident objections, the Santa Monica City Council has turned down an appeal from a decision to allow a 20 student preschool at 2953 Delaware Avenue. They did add about 60 conditions to the preschool, intended to abate noise, traffic and the like. The Gandara Park neighborhood mobilized against the proposed preschool. Hi, I'm a resident of SM in the Gandara (formerly known s Stewart Park) Neighborhood. "200 SM residents geared up to attend and support our...
This past Saturday, hundreds of protesters packed the Santa Monica Pier at the Protect the Pacific rally, to take a stand against Trump's plan to dramatically increase offshore drilling off the California Coast. Senator Ben Allen of California's 26th district, along with the Ocean Protectors Coalition of Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples, Aim SoCal, Sierra Club, Heal the Bay, the Center for Biological Diversity and many other groups joined together to show strong unified...
Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) created a bipartisan bill last year to improve health insurance markets. The deal allocates funds for cost-sharing reductions, which reduce out-of-pocket costs for low-income beneficiaries. The senators' bill is a welcome step to stabilizing the individual markets. The Administration previously announced its intention to slash funds for CSRs. That action, though, would skyrocket premiums for low-income beneficiaries and...
Our world has become plasticized. Products, packaging, transportation, medicine, clothing – we are surrounded by this material. As our demand grows our discarded material grows too, much of it ending up in the environment. We need to start changing our relationship with plastics, from the way we design, use, reuse, and recycle, to the way we build communities and economies around it. With previous generations failing to foresee the impending plastic pollution crisis, a new gen...
Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas introduced a read-in motion calling on the Office of Cannabis Management, in collaboration with various Los Angeles County departments and community stakeholders, to develop a countywide plan to facilitate the resentencing of minor cannabis convictions. Under Proposition 64, certain convictions qualify for reduction or dismissal; for youth, that also includes the destruction of court records. However, many people remain unaware that they may be...