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If you're like most people, you're sick and tired of the mainstream junk they play on the radio. You know, the dreaded intro that pounds underneath a gleeful d-j's extended blathering, and then launches into the song you might have tolerated once, but it's been played a hundred times a minute, has wormed its way into even the "alternative" stations, pops up as a "suggestion" on Youtube just to give your friends the false impression that you like that kind of common swill as th...
If you're a Santa Monica resident of any age, form, or profession, consider volunteering for Heal The Bay's Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. Glam color-changing cephalopods, adorable baby sharks, and man-eating crabs are just a few of the curious characters you'll meet while working there. Also be prepared to encounter a few more: future marine biologists who are bilingual and pre-Kindergarten; couples at the roller-coaster peak of something bronze and lei-flowered at its best...
Seconds after stepping through a pair of outsized doors into the wide-open aquarium h.q., I spotted a young educator in a navy blue shirt kneeling to present a glass cylinder to some kids. Inside the cylinder, tiny gossamer spheres pulsated calmly up and down the column as it turned over and over in the educator's hands. Instantly, I was kneeling right along with her and the children. While she explained the basics of moon jellies – Aurelia species, whose sting is harmless t...
1. The seesaw manicure: when you're painting a friend's nails and she has higher standards or sharper eyesight than you. So you let a tiny bit of color splat on the finger by accident, and she makes you rub the blemish off with a cue-tip, but in order to remove the blemish you also need to scrape a significant swath of intentional color off the nail. Then you have to replenish the paint on the nail, and in order to cover all the keratin a new splat of color needs to end up on...
Sabine Rose wrote painted our cover art this week, "View of the World from the Santa Monica Pier," which is available free on newsstands throughout Santa Monica now. In it, a girl plays Pokemon Go on the Pier, as she looks out at Shutters on the Beach, Affordable housing in Santa Monica, and more distantly, New York, the Middle East, Tibet, China and Paris. We asked the artist why she painted "A View of the World from the Santa Monica Pier," Sabine said: Well I think that...
Thirteen years ago, a six-year-old girl screamed and ran out of the movie theater into painfully broad sunlight because an Australian Great White Shark with a magnificent grin had smiled across the big screen and said "Hallo." Thirteen years later, that girl clipped breathlessly through throngs of Santa Monica tourists to reach the theater in time for the 10:20 am showing of "Finding Dory," the long-awaited sequel to "Finding Nemo." This time, though, I was more afraid of...
"Hands! Hands!" Trembling with fear, the purple pickles burrow under the sand to wait out the plunging, poking, wrenching storm that is a sea of children crowded around a touch tank. If you've seen Disney-Pixar's new release "Finding Dory," you know which scene I'm referring to. But is this really how sea cucumbers feel about kids at touch tanks? In this article, I will expose some interesting facts about the characters in the movie, as they would function and behave in real...
Growing up in Santa Monica, California, I thought the terrestrials around me were weird (think dates at e-cigarette bars and living tin men collecting coins on the Promenade.) But it turns out, the real weird characters don't start showing up until you grab your goggles and take a dip in the water. Whether it's off the So-Cal shore, or on a Sulawesi reef; whether you prefer your agua dulce or with extra salt, you're sure to find animals with extreme, and sometimes comical,...
I'm going to say it. The "s" word. Don't laugh. Please don't tell on me. It's the iron core of our flesh-and-blood universe as living beings. It's also the source of countless thousands of detentions, imprisonments and giggles in seventh grade biology classrooms. It's the perfumed breath of all our timeless stories as they rush us like wind to the climax of our lives. It's also the reason human populations have been assembled into strict, competing categories and has caused...
Bubbles, a pilot whale captured off the coast of California and trained to perform in Marineland and later Seaworld for over 30 years, died around age 50 Thursday. Since her species is thought to live to about age 60, it is not certain that she died before her time. Nevertheless, activists are rightfully taking this opportunity to bring up concerns about the whole Delphinidae family, as well as other intelligent marine creatures, harbored in artificial environments. While...
As science continues to delve into the depths of Earth's taxonomic soup, an increasing amount of evidence suggests we are not the only people on the planet. For centuries, humans have held the conviction of our uniqueness to be sacrosanct. We claimed it was our intelligence, our self-awareness, or our capacity for martyrdom that differentiated us from the mass of claws and fangs that writhed mindlessly beneath our shoes, the "wild beasts" trapped in an evolutionary back...
Whether or not the zoo officials were right to shoot Harambe, given the situation at hand, is a completely different question depending on what level of immediacy one chooses to apply to the circumstances. This level can range from the concrete and limited to the broad and philosophical. Further, the more abstract and long-shot the lens through which we see the event becomes, the less the problem remains attached to this gorilla, this DART team, this boy, this family, or this...